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Fair & Sustainable
With every rug purchase, you support the social projects.
How are our rugs produced?
People are at the heart of what we do. This approach permeates all areas of our business, evident in both the personal care of our customers and the relationship we maintain with our weavers. Sustainable business relationships that bring forth the most beautiful products only thrive under fair conditions. Paying fair wages for this work is important to us. Therefore, our rugs have different prices compared to machine-made products. Sustainability is a big concern for us. We distance ourselves from the throwaway society.
Kid Care Network
Morgenland Rugs is committed to sustainable production, fair wages, good working conditions and the protection of employees. We strictly reject child labour and regularly review our supply chains to guarantee fair and transparent manufacturing processes. Our aim is to improve the quality of our products and make a positive contribution to society and the environment by acting responsibly. With their purchase, customers of Morgenland Rugs not only support a product of the highest quality, but also fair and sustainable production conditions.
Since 2009, GoodWeave has been successfully working to end exploitative child labor in the rug industry. Their main focus is on paying fair wages to rug weavers and adhering to high standards, including social and ecological criteria. The organization is supported by renowned development services and ensures that rugs are produced ethically and environmentally friendly. Independent inspectors regularly monitor production facilities, and certified rugs provide consumers with confidence in ethical products. GoodWeave is a key player in the fight against child labor and sets standards for fair working conditions and environmental protection in the industry. To guarantee the GoodWeave standards, independent inspectors carry out unannounced and regular checks at production sites. Learn more at
RUGMARK Foundation
RUGMARK, the initiative against the use of illegal child labor in the rug industry, was initiated in 1994 by Indian rug manufacturers and exporters along with many leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Intensive campaigns against the use of child labor were set as a goal. Positive solutions were required to avoid the negative consequences of illegal child labor for workers, exporters, and rug manufacturing regions. Together with UNICEF and the German-Indian Export Promotion Project (IGEP) of the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the RUGMARK system was developed. RUGMARK is now a trademark-protected certification that assures importers and buyers that the rug was produced by a company committed to working without illegal child labor and is subject to an effective monitoring mechanism. Learn more at
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